Vintage 1940's margit nilsen studios 21" tall deb-u-doll in fragile and "rescued condition. This rare mannequin doll was originally used to help teach young girls about fashion and sewing skills, typically using mccall's, simplicity or butterick patterns. She has her original blonde human hair wig, painted face with dark eyes, blue eye shadow, arched eyebrows and rosy lips.
She still has her sticker (margit nilsen creation, new york) on her lower back. She is wearing her original girdle which is not removable. She was found in a box with only the label side being salvageable. She has a wood stand with a metal rod with the bottom stamped margit nilsen studios, 11 fifth ave. The rod extends up through her shoe to hold her in place.She is very fragile, missing both thumbs, and has been glued in numerous places (knees, right ankle, left wrist). Her girdle is stained and most likely her body isn't the cleanest. I have gently wiped her which is all the cleaning i felt comfortable doing.
Her instructions label (on the box) states she is made of semi-soft rubber and is flexible. This is no longer applicable she is solid now and will not bend without breaking. Her arms are still removable (originally making it easier to dress her).
She has two flexible wires that go through her legs and body, most likely designed to help her bend (back when she was bendable). I imagine these mannequin dolls were thrown away as they must break easily when the rubber hardens. I haven't see very many and most are in poor condition.
They are still worth saving when at all possible. Check out all my shop items here. This item is made of hardened rubber, fabric and human hair.