Hairstyling Mannequin head

Hairstyling Mannequin head
Hairstyling Mannequin head
Hairstyling Mannequin head
Hairstyling Mannequin head
Hairstyling Mannequin head
Hairstyling Mannequin head
Hairstyling Mannequin head
Hairstyling Mannequin head
Hairstyling Mannequin head
Hairstyling Mannequin head

Hairstyling Mannequin head
Nicole is a gorgeous hairstyling mannequin head with wide shoulders, a realistic facial features. Our mannequin is a must have for all hairstylist, our nicole doll offers unlimited creativity when it comes to hairstyling. Weight: 230 grams of hair. Colour: blonde hair and light skin tone.
Hairstyling Mannequin head

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