Large STOCKMAN PARIS male mannequin bust in wood and fabric on nickel-plated brass tripod Late 19th century Parisian fashion France

Large STOCKMAN PARIS male mannequin bust in wood and fabric on nickel-plated brass tripod Late 19th century Parisian fashion France
Large STOCKMAN PARIS male mannequin bust in wood and fabric on nickel-plated brass tripod Late 19th century Parisian fashion France
Large STOCKMAN PARIS male mannequin bust in wood and fabric on nickel-plated brass tripod Late 19th century Parisian fashion France
Large STOCKMAN PARIS male mannequin bust in wood and fabric on nickel-plated brass tripod Late 19th century Parisian fashion France
Large STOCKMAN PARIS male mannequin bust in wood and fabric on nickel-plated brass tripod Late 19th century Parisian fashion France
Large STOCKMAN PARIS male mannequin bust in wood and fabric on nickel-plated brass tripod Late 19th century Parisian fashion France
Large STOCKMAN PARIS male mannequin bust in wood and fabric on nickel-plated brass tripod Late 19th century Parisian fashion France
Large STOCKMAN PARIS male mannequin bust in wood and fabric on nickel-plated brass tripod Late 19th century Parisian fashion France
Large STOCKMAN PARIS male mannequin bust in wood and fabric on nickel-plated brass tripod Late 19th century Parisian fashion France
Large STOCKMAN PARIS male mannequin bust in wood and fabric on nickel-plated brass tripod Late 19th century Parisian fashion France

Large STOCKMAN PARIS male mannequin bust in wood and fabric on nickel-plated brass tripod Late 19th century Parisian fashion France

Large stockman paris male mannequin bust from the late 19th, early 20th century, in wood, fabric, velvet, wadding, presented on a nickel-plated brass tripod, wrought iron taste, adjustable in height, for seamstress, costume designer, store and window display. A triangular red velvet bib is sewn onto the black fabric - t.

The bust has some tears and snags, and is finished with a nickel-plated brass spinning top ball. The arms and hands are made of wood, articulated, and adjustable in length, s. Patented system, le simplex (some missing parts at the level of the fingers).

Antique presentation bust, rare and authentic, intended for seamstresses, boutique interiors and store windows. Siegel & stockman has been creating and manufacturing mannequins for seamstresses, sewing workshops and shop windows, stylized mannequins and display stands for accessories since 1867. World-renowned thanks to the unique know-how of the house passed down from generation to generation, stockman mannequins are used by the biggest names in haute couture and the fashion industry. Handcrafted in the workshop located near paris, stockman busts have the elegance and refinement of french know-how. Late 19th / early 20th.

Good general condition / traces of use. 43 x 28 x +/- 150 cm. Grand buste de mannequin masculin stockman paris en bois et tissus sur trépied en laiton nickelé - fin xixe/début xxe - mode parisienne - déco arty - france. Grand buste de mannequin masculin stockman paris de la fin du xixe, début xxe, en bois, tissus, velours, ouate, présenté sur trépied en laiton nickelé, goût fer forgé, réglable en hauteur, pour couturière, costumière, magasin et vitrine.

Un plastron triangulaire en velours rouge est cousu sur le tissus noir - t. Le buste présente quelques déchirures et accrocs, et est terminé d'une boule toupie en laiton nickelé.

Les bras et les mains sont en bois, articulés, et réglables en longueur, système breveté s. Le simplex (quelques manques au niveau des doigts). Buste ancien de présentation, rare et authentique, destiné aux couturières, intérieurs de boutiques et vitrines de magasins. Siegel & stockman créé et fabrique des mannequins pour les couturières, les ateliers de couture et pour la vitrine, des mannequins stylisés et des présentoirs pour les accessoires depuis 1867.

Mondialement connus grâce au savoir faire unique de la maison transmis de génération en génération, les mannequins stockman sont utilisés par les plus grands noms de la haute-couture et de l'industrie de la mode. Fabriqués à la main dans l'atelier situé à côté de paris, les bustes stockman ont l'élégance et le raffinement du savoir faire à la franaise.

Fin xixe / début xxe. Bon état général / traces d'usage. Merci de bien vouloir nous communiquer votre un numéro de téléphone, pour permettre aux services postaux de vous contacter au moment de la livraison. This item is made of brass, wood and fabrics.

Large STOCKMAN PARIS male mannequin bust in wood and fabric on nickel-plated brass tripod Late 19th century Parisian fashion France

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